Grants and Scholarships

Funding for scientific events

The program does not provide financial aid for student attendance at events.

 When resources are available, the Graduate Committee may respond to the request for such support. For this, the student shall submit the application to the program office for the consent of the CCP coordinator and subsequent submission to the CPG.

 The request shall be instructed with the justification of the advisor, letter of acceptance, schedule of the event, and the form “Aid: Financial Aid form for students”, available at

Spoiler title

Students of the Graduate Program in Medicine (Neurology) may apply for CAPES (PROEX) or CNPq scholarships. These scholarships are intended for regularly enrolled students, for 24 months for the master’s degree, and 48 months for the doctorate degree.


Instructions for application

Submit the application form and supporting documents (pdf) to, with the “Declaration of the absence of employment relationship”, duly completed and signed;

The supporting documents shall be numbered and sent in a single file;

An event cannot appear in more than one form;

Inform current account number at Banco do Brasil (agency, account, and verification digit).


Prerequisites to apply for institutional scholarships

Be regularly enrolled in the graduate course.

Full dedication to the activities of the graduate program. This means the presence of the student in the institution (FMRP) and in the advisor laboratory.

Not be retired.

Do not receive remuneration from employment.


Scholarship distribution

The scholarship will be awarded for 24 (twenty-four) months for the Master’s and 48 (forty-eight) for the doctorate.

Scholarships will be distributed based on a qualifying list drawn up from an agreement with the ”registration form” to be completed by the student and proof of the information provided.


Scholarship Termination

The scholarship will be canceled if:

It is found that the scholarship holder performs any form of paid work, either formal or informal.

If the student fails to comply with the deadlines set for any of the activities established by the program, as well as failing to submit the annual report.

In the case of a student on leave for internship or data collection, for example, in another institution or to the city of origin for writing the thesis, the scholarship will be maintained for a term not exceeding 6 months.


Fellow duties

Be dedicated to the activities provided for in the project or work plan approved by the

CNPq, during the term of the scholarship.

Return to the funding agency (CAPES, CNPq, FAPESP) any benefits paid

Otherwise, procedures for the administrative or judicial collection will be adopted.

The works published as a result of activities supported by the

funding agencies must, necessarily, refer to the support received, in the language of the work, with the following expressions:

– if published individually: “This work was carried out with support

(CNPq, FAPESP, etc.) – Brazil”.

– if published in co-authorship “Fellow (CNPq, FAPESP, etc.) – Brazil”.

Through the PROEX agreement, CAPES finances this program, the works produced or published, in any media, in whole or in part, must compulsorily refer to the support (in the language of the work), with the following expressions:

– “This work was carried out with the support of the Coordination of

Improvement of Higher Level Personnel-Brazil (CAPES) – Financing Code 001”;

– “This study was financed in part by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel – Brazil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001”.