Research Lines

The program relies on 20 lines of research, divided into two areas of concentration: Neurology (17163) and Neurosciences (17163), as described below:




Research lines






Evaluation of neuronal damage in vivo by imaging methods           


Studies that use the various methods of neuroimaging to investigate neuronal damage in different neurological and psychiatric disorders.              


Evaluation of neuronal damage in vivo by imaging methods



Headache and pain              



Research line developed for at least 15 years addressing therapeutic, epidemiological, and clinical aspects of headaches.              


Clinical, epidemiological, and therapeutic aspects of pain



Cerebrovascular diseases              


This line of research lists studies addressing the diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases, and therapeutic strategies for their rehabilitation.


Stroke and sleep breathing disorders           

Therapeutic Neuroradiology in Cerebrovascular Diseases           

Neurosonology for cerebrovascular diseases           

National Stroke Research Network (RNPAVC)           

Study on the advanced control of hypertension and thrombolysis in stroke           

Head Position in Stroke Trial           

REAVER: registration of stroke in Ribeirão Preto           

Diagnosis, characterization, and prognosis of oropharyngeal dysphagia in stroke patients




Neurodegenerative disorders              



This line of research lists studies involving the diagnosis and treatment of neurodegenerative disorders.

Clinical and pathophysiological aspects of movement disorders and Behavioral Neurology




Neuromuscular disorders

Experimental and clinical studies.

Evaluation of peripheral nerves by electron and optical microscopy with semithin sections; evaluation of dissociated fibers; Immunopathology, electrophysiology, genetic and molecular characterization of peripheral neuropathies.

Clinical and neurophysiological aspects of leprosy neuropathy              

Genotype-phenotype correlation in Hereditary neuropathies              

Clinical, nosological, and pathophysiological aspects of neuropathies/neuronopathies



Neurological emergencies           

This line of research lists studies related to the diagnosis and treatment of neurological emergencies              


Ribeirão Preto traumatic brain injury record: RETER              




Clinical Epileptology

This line of research lists studies addressing the diagnosis and the therapeutic strategies (pharmacological, surgical, use of diets, palliative surgical methods) in patients with epilepsy and comorbidities associated with the epileptic condition.

Dysfunction and degeneration of limbic circuitry and its implications on epileptogenesis and cognitive and psychiatric disorders associated with human temporal lobe epilepsy              

Temporal lobe epilepsy and psychiatric comorbidities: neuropathological and molecular characterization of human tissue and new intervention strategies in animal models              

Electroencephalography in the developing brain and epileptic syndromes              

Continuous monitoring by video-EEG in the diagnosis and treatment of refractory epileptic malaise               

Pharmacological and surgical treatment of epilepsies              

Neuropathological and Neuroimaging substrates associated with pharmacoresistant epilepsy              

Invasive neurophysiological evaluation in pharmacoresistant epilepsies              




Neural hodology and Neuropharmacology of Defense behavior           

This line of research lists studies on anatomical, pathophysiological, neurochemical and pharmacological aspects related to behavior and defense


Involvement of opioid and endocannabinoid receptors of the black substance in the modulation of the activity of the GABAergic nigrotectal pathway during the organization of the elicited defense behavior by rodents confronted with venomous snakes              

Study of the involvement of neural networks of the dorsal nucleus of the Raphe and serotonergic neurotransmission in the locus coeruleus in antinociceptive processes induced by guided escape reactions evoked by chemical stimulation of the medial hypothalamus              




Infection of the nervous system           

Study of neurological manifestations of infectious and parasitic diseases, complications, epidemiology, therapy, and side effects of drugs in man.

Infection of the nervous system              





Studies on morphological, physiological and pharmacological aspects of aversive behavior.

Studies on neural plasticity.              


Normal and pathological brain plasticity

Neuroimmunoendocrine alterations in experimental sepsis              

Neural mechanisms and blood pressure regulation




Neurobiology of pain              

This line of research lists studies on anatomical, pathophysiological, neurochemical, and pharmacological aspects related to pain.              


Pathophysiological, morphological, and pharmacological aspects of pain              

Clinical, epidemiological and therapeutic aspects of pain              




Neurobiology of cerebrovascular diseases              


This line of research addresses the pathophysiological aspects of cerebrovascular diseases using the clinical and experimental approach

Technological development in therapeutic Neuroradiology              

REAVER: registration of stroke in Ribeirão Preto              

Experimental models of cerebrovascular diseases              

Diagnosis, characterization, and prognosis of oropharyngeal dysphagia in stroke patients              

Disorders of the perception of verticality




Neurobiology of neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders

This line of research lists studies on anatomical, genetic, pathophysiological, neurochemical, and pharmacological aspects related to neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders.

CX3CR1+/GFP mice: MPTP, 6-OHDA intoxication and induction of dyskinesia by Levodopa treatment.              

Implementation of Academic Cooperation Network for experimental and preclinical study focusing on Parkinson’s disease.              

Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the role of atypical neurotransmitters in neuropsychiatric disorders              

Role of synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus pathway – medial prefrontal cortex of mice submitted to psychosis models              

Clinical and pathophysiological aspects of movement disorders and Behavioral Neurology              




Neurobiology of Neuromuscular Disorders              

This line of research lists studies on the anatomical, genetic, pathophysiological, neurochemical, and pharmacological aspects related to neuromuscular disorders.


Nosological aspects of small fiber neuropathies              

Exercise intolerance: clinical and pathophysiological aspects              

Myopathies: Nosology, clinical, and pathophysiological aspects              

Clinical, biochemical, and molecular characterization of primary and secondary mitochondrial dysfunctions              

Molecular biology of neuropathies, paraparesis, and hereditary ataxias              

Pathophysiological aspects of neuropathies/neuronopathies              




Neurobiology of epilepsies              

This line of research lists studies on anatomical, genetic, pathophysiological, neurochemical, and pharmacological aspects related to epileptic syndromes and their comorbidities. The use of experimental models of these syndromes is emphasized in this line of research.

Dysfunction and degeneration of the limbic circuitry and its implications on epileptogenesis and the cognitive and psychiatric disorders associated with human temporal lobe epilepsy. (CNPq/Ms/DECIT 27/2014, Process 466995/2014-8)              

Temporal lobe epilepsy and psychiatric comorbidities: neuropathological and molecular characterization of human tissue and new intervention strategies in animal models              

Neurobiology of epilepsy: behavioral, molecular, and Computational Analysis              

Neuropathological and Neuroimaging substrates associated with pharmacoresistant epilepsy              




Neurobiology of normal and pathological child development


This line of research lists studies related to ontogenetic, physiological, and pathophysiological aspects related to Child Development.              


Study of performance and functional capacity of children and adolescents with neurological alterations              

Functional MRI and cognition              




Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychopharmacology and Translational Neurosciences

This line focuses on the investigation of the neural substrate of psychiatric disorders, particularly schizophrenia, psychiatric disorders associated with epilepsy, and psychiatric disorders secondary to the use of psychoactive substances              


Schizophrenia and other psychoses: social and biological factors              

A translational approach to the study of cannabidiol: a substance with a broad spectrum of action in the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders              

Neuropharmacology of psychiatric diseases



Pathogenesis and pathophysiology of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases of the nervous system

This line of research lists studies related to the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases of the nervous system


Antibodies in immune-mediated diseases of the nervous system              




Pathogenesis and pathophysiology of sleep disorders

This line of research lists studies addressing the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders


Pathogenesis and pathophysiology of sleep disorders



Sleep disorders

Studies on the clinical and electrophysiological aspects of normal and pathological sleep.              


Clinical and laboratory evaluation of restless legs syndrome              

Therapeutic approaches in sleep disorders              

Sleep in Parkinson’s disease              

Obstructive sleep disorders              

Complementary evaluation in Sleep Medicine              

Polysomnographic evaluation of respiratory disorders in the neonatal period